Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm in trouble

Well you see I am usually a quiet guy reserved and a bit complacent. NOT! Wah that's not me.
I am noisy and loud, I don't do anything half way, this is the trouble. You know when you are doing something, and along the way you find you are or have made a mistake; but you don't want to stop because you are lured into this web of wanting to see where it will go, how it will turn out! Hey I don't know, maybe you will but I ain't gunna tell you exactly what it is, cause I don't want it as public knowledge not yet anyway.
Don't worry if you are curious stay tuned, I'll tell you what is happening as I go along with this, it should be very interesting when it finishes.
I think I'd call it " A comedy of errors " but that name is already gone so hows " A Commitment of Errors" as that is what it would turn out to be if it works out and if it doesn't well this is good bye now! NO Lah back next time.

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